Wednesday, March 3, 2010


typical mornings:{ALARM} snooze...*rustle rustle*.....{ALARM}snooze....{beep.beep.beep}SNOOOZE!..........................'CRAP i'm late!'. roll outta bed.
this morning: *arise, yawn, stretch* {beep.beep.beep}..*MJ dance move* jump outta bed.
camera-check. finger-paints-check. brush teeth-check. car keys-check. companion(obama)-check. current time: 6:00a.m. all while listening too:the shins.drove to this sketchy park in the middle of ptown.
and waited for the sun to rise.
sometimes not even the sun wants to wake up... hence the pillows (clouds) still over his face. but i wouldn't blame him, he has to get up early, EVERYDAY. never gets to sleep in :( so i was awfully nice to him, and woke him up!-->
he hit the snooze a few times... BUT THEN!
woke up.. however, it was WAY to cloudy still to really see him. so i cut my loses and started to finger paint.
Ya that is me in the blue, that is my camera in the green, the play ground in the red and the sun in the yellow :)
I made a few new me...
i couldn't figure out why they went away SO FAST, then i remembered i looked like this:
and suddenly i didn't feel so bad anymore.
then, lastly, i proceeded to leave my mark:

... and yes that 'G' is made out of ciggy butts.
and that was my...
thank you african aborigines for inspiring me with your ways, you will always have a special place in my heart :).


  1. Coolest post to date, ever.
    I had to read it again and again...
    Totally inspiring.

    Love your guts!

  2. hahahaha ciggy butts! can't say i didnt Laugh Out Loud at the one!!:) i love you! so legit. and LOVE your awesome Life and Make a Change pics!!


they'll be sun, sun, sun wherever you go...