Friday, March 19, 2010

Don't wake tell...daddy!

So i know i've been really sleepy sleep lately and have abused my privileges to the blogger community by hardly blogging buuuuuttt here i am blogging, so THERE! :O

This blog is about my wonderful father i like to call dad. My dad is by far the best dad there ever is was, and will be. if you don't agree, we can fight later just make an appointment w/ my secretary :)

Why is my dad so great???

1. he takes time to explain things to me. sounds simple but really it's not. he is SO caring, sincere, and optimistic. he explains things to me that i don't understand in a way i'd understand them. me and my dad, our brains think a lot alike you see, so he's really good at helping me with things.

2. he takes me on walks, hikes, runs, and everything and anything in between to observe the beauty of the earth. he's really good at seeing the small things, smelling the roses, and hearing crows wings flapping in the wind. he teaches me about navajos. i love hearing him tell me about what they told him about when Christ came. GOOSEBUMPS. everytime.
pic1 see the crow? pic2 i think this one is trying to say, don't talk to stranger monsters, or they eat you. pic3 see what doesn't belong. my dad noticed this while walking... still don't know how he saw it so easily! still clueless, we are in the dessert, and that's a seashell, from the ocean. :)

3. we share a special love for quotes, and he is ALWAYS giving me new ones. He told me to memorize this one:
I've got brains in my head and feet in my shoes and i can steer myself any direction i choose. -Dr. Seuss.

4. his bday is coming up. i made him this. shhh. don't tell him! (hence the title of this post)
(if the world is a canvas, i use service to add my color. -Mi'kel Wilson. Then on the back it says how do you add your color? LOVE YOU-kel.)

5. for christmas this year he gave me this:
he has one too. we match. i like it a lot. it's something we share. it says posi+ivi+y on it. we also both wear livestrong bracelets. helps us to remember to be strong. i like it too. Oh and he gave me this:
it reminds me i need to find someone to marry who 1. would make my dad proud. 2. is just like my dad (i know i'll never be able to fill the 2nd one, but i hope i can get close!)

6. he shares my strange fascination with weird things. hence the obama key chain (featured in earlier post) he gave to me this summer. i love his weird presents. speaking of weird he just gave me this:
haha ya. nuff said.

7. he makes me feel specialER then any important person on the face of this earth, everyday. for no reason. at all. :) gave me these roses went i went home from school the first time this year with this note: just because, you are the BEST! see told you he treats me to well. :)

8. he's got a very strong testimony. he makes me want to be a better person everyday, not by the advice he gives me (although that does help), but by the example he shows me. he doesn't tell me how to live my life, he simply shows me.

9. he encouraged me to write 3 blessings everyday. no two are the same. pretty soon i'll be starting to be grateful for individual blades of grass. I LOVE IT!

10. All of this he does for me, never wanting a single thing in return but my happiness. i know i'll never get to pay him back fully, but i hope i can sure make him SUPER PROUD when he sees how i lived my whole life.

THIS IS FOR YOU DAD! i love you so much, words cannot describe. thank you for all our talks and all the kindness you give me. i'm glad we are friends. You have so many good qualities, and a bajillion friends. everyone knows you because of your amazing heart and contagious happiness.
eternally yours,


  1. OMG kel!
    YR AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
    You truely have the best life and you can tell even by just reading
    what you wrote you have the best personality and
    everyone wants to be around u. You always
    know exactly what to say. You live each day to the fullest.
    And you make every time i'm around u fun and
    exciting. (and really random) The world needs people like you. Kel u continue to surprise me. Love ya!

    surprise me. Love ya!

  2. ken.
    YOU ARE AMAZING! you have no idea how much i needed to hear that! :) I LOVE YOU TONS!!!!! i miss you so much. Thank you for always encouraging me in whatever i do. you are a great example to me, you are always saying SUCH KIND THINGS TO PEOPLE! I need to be more like you! :) Can't wait to see you this weekend. be preparing for that huge hug i'll be givin' ya! You've been warned ;).

  3. dude i love the present your giving him! i want a cool canvas painting!! when did you become such an artist!? so sweet always! xoxo

  4. Kel! How did I not see this new post until today.
    You've got the tears streaming from me. I could not agree more with everything. Funny thing is dad makes you feel like "the favorite" but he also makes me feel that way too and I wouldn't doubt the others feel the same as well. Dad really is the best. And he is going to love your present.
    And I agree with Ken - you rock! I love you!


they'll be sun, sun, sun wherever you go...