The past few weeks i've been STRESSED to say the least. I've been very caught up in time consuming, boring, stare-at-the-ceiling, kind of tedious, school-work :(. I got very down (bombed a few tests) and had to figure out a lot about myself. BUT i'm glad i was stressed and went through that because now, i've discovered a few secrets of life! The list consists (but is not limited to the following):
1. if you want people to want to be around you... BE HAPPY. for the kindest thing you can do for other people is to become a happy, joyous person. I can tell you from experience, happiness isn't always an AUTOMATIC response, but most the time a CONCIOUS EFFORT.
----1 a. You can be happy by:
-smiling at strangers, scary, yet VERY rewarding.
-getting good exercise. (get those endorphines rolling)
-dress to impress EVERYDAY, even if you are sitting on your butt all day, look your best.
2. God wants us to make wise use of the time he has given us. use it wisely, by planning it wisely.
3. see the silver lining in everything, even if it's just that you didn't trip on a crack today.
4. be aware of God always, let him have his hand in your life, and remember to thank him for everything. dad challenged me to list 3 things everyday that i'm grateful for. i'm trying not to list the same thing twice, try it!
5. Serve your fellow man--Never let a problem to be solved be more important than a person to be loved. ( <-- i know this is hard when you have 3 tests to study for, and you know you are going to pull yet ANOTHER all nighter this week, but do those dishes that aren't yours anyway. )
6. Laugh. this weekend i visited my grandma wilson, she counseled me on how laughing is so important. she says if she doesn't laugh enough in a day she will turn on the tv at midnight and watch Tom & Jerry because they make her laugh the hardest and fastest!
7. be aware of others. know what they are going through and be sensitive.
8. become more independent on yourself and more dependent on God. Don't depend on others for your happiness. if you do so, it will only get you down, ONLY YOU can make YOU happy ;).
9. listen to cheerful music--the beatles, the format, and fun. really help!
10. strive for more knowledge of ANYTHING&EVERYTHING. ( did you know lance armstrong has a like a HUGE heart? can do for 2 1/2 hours straight what a man in his prime can only do for 5 min. look it up. what's going on in the world... ask webster. pick a country+research=fascination beyond all belief )
11. Find time for purposeless play EVERYDAY. how do you start? imagine inanimate objects are alive, have feelings, or are trying to tell you something. can get quite entertaining :)
12. Lastly, never supress a prompting. you never know who's life you'll change with the kind words that you were just thinking about someone. i guess what i'm trying to say is TELL THAT SOMEONE THE NICE WORDS, don't just think them!
-- there you go, my secrets to life. take 'em or leave 'em. :)
Thank you for this.
ReplyDeleteNow I wish you were here so I could squeeze ya!!!!!