Sunday, February 21, 2010


We all know about the Jewish Holocaust, but how many were taught about the Armenian Genocides?
Before the Nazi's slaughtered 6 million Jews, before the Khmer Rouge killed 1.7 million of their fellow Cambodians, before Rwandan Hutus killed 800,000 ethnic Tutsis, the Armenians of Turkey endured mass slaughter at the hands of the Ottoman Turks.

The Armenian Genocide, occurred when 2 million Armenians living in Turkey were eliminated from their historic homeland through forced deportation and massacres by the Turks. As Turkish authorities forced them out of eastern Turkey, Armenians say they lost 1.5 million people in 1915-1923, during and after World War I. To this day Turkey denies the Armenian genocide, but history cannot be hidden or rewritten.

Even Adolf Hitler cited the killing of the Armenians as a precedent for his own slaughter of the Jews two decades later.

"Kill without mercy!" the Nazi leader told his military on the eve of the Holocaust. "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"

I'm afraid if i go on any further this whole blog post would be tooo depressing, so look it up if you are interested. I highly recommend it, but i warn you the information and pictures are devastating! So to find a silver lining, i may be going to Armenia this summer for 15 days, I have the opportunity to live among these people and brighten their days... a little. What i ask of all of you is to brain storm what WE can make for the children and people there. If i go i will bring the stuff we make to them and take LOADS of pictures so you guys can see who the CRAFT, LETTERS, or whatever CREATIVE THING WE THINK OF goes to.

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