Saturday, March 3, 2012

life is full

tuesday this last week i turned on my light in my room and... poof. 
my light bulb blew up.
i like to imagine that the little electricities were so excited to be turned on and over did it. 
{hence the 'poof'.}

i fished an old lamp out of the closet, and used it as my only light source...

which was fun.
felt a little like i was camping.
and mom, don't worry. i cleaned my room since this pic was taken....
i couldn't live in the dark forever and the next day, i went to walmart to get a light bulb.
sure enough i wore my favorite christmas present.
this fury beanie that makes me look like a bear. :)

excuse the tooth brush... 
while at walmart--there was this little munchkin in a cart.
he looked up at me, 
held up his hands in claw-like form,
bore his teeth,
and let out a little grrr...

this caught me off guard.
until i remembered my extra fur...
and did it right back::

oh the joys of children.
it reminded me of the need to be more like them.
it's not just about happiness and innocence, being more like children means to love deeper, open your eyes to the world of possibilities. it means to let your imagine run farther than you can keep up. to create new ways of thinking, step out of the norms and question why things are done a certain way. live in the present. don't worry about trivial things such as clothes, smooth talking, or being cool. being true to yourself, and forgiving easily. not stressing about the things out our control, and changing the things we can control. being honest, and seeing your parents as flawless individuals who are exactly what you want to be when you grow up.
i once read: 
"We could learn a lot from children. Sure, they have qualities we might not want, but in my eyes, they are already perfect. We don’t need to mold them into people, we need to be more like them.
We lose this childlike nature, the nature we’re born with, because of society — it has certain institutions and systems in place that beat childishness out of us, so we can be more productive citizens and consumers. I think it’s unfortunate.
We shouldn’t abandon all responsibilities, but we can learn a lot from children and be more like them in some ways."

I couldn't agree with this more.
take today for example.
my nephew, Brody is 6 and a half.
he strolled into the kitchen today,
grabbed a pudding cup out of the fridge.
told my sister to set the timer.
when she asked him 'why?'
he said: 'because i'm doing (in a deep voice) MAN VS FOOD!!!!!!!
he drained that pudding cup 34 seconds flat.

i don't know about you, but i need more of this in my life.
more pudding cups.
more laughter.
more living in the moment.

“Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they’re looking for ideas.” - Paula Poundstone

thanks to the little boy in the cart, 
and my world champ pudding eating nephew,
i decided to act on this new fire that has been lit inside me.
and i signed up to volunteer at the deaf preschool here in Logan!
Monday's and Wednesday's from 8-3:30 i will be surrounded by little minions of cochlear implanted children. 
full of curiosity and life and love.
i'll have my pencil and pen ready,
eager to learn all i can from my new 'schoolmates'.

well, that is enough for one post.
i'm off to see the Lorax. 

-life is full of wonder.

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