Tuesday, January 10, 2012

no coincidences.

today started out a little rough.
in my hardest class of the day i got scared and felt like i was in way over my head.

then, Jacob found me.
well, i sort of found him... he was trying to find an elevator but found me instead.
either way we were supposed to find each other today.
Jacob is in a wheel chair and has a form of cerebral palsy.
Jacob was my first&only friend i found today.
He is the biggest fan of the Utah State Aggies i have ever met.
He has sandy blonde hair.
He is really smart and loves doing research. (especially research on Motivation)
He is in my Psychological Stats class.
He took time out of his day to talk to me, it meant the world.
{especially when i was having a rough morning.}
Jacob moves a little slower than most.
But he sure moves with more style than anyone else.
Today, Jacob gave me the excuse to ride in the elevator. [twice, because i hit the wrong floor at first]

I'm glad Jacob found me.
He helped me remember why i'm here.
Why i'm stressing through these classes-- so i can have the reward of being around those special people in this world.
i need them way more than they need me.

A wise man once told me his theory::
Those with disabilities don't have a social handicap... we do.
If a person with special needs is sad, they cry. If they are happy, they jump and sing. They do not build walls to keep people out of their life. In fact, instead they have a special spirit that draws others into their lives forever. They trust everyone. They are a friend to all. They do not discriminate. They love with their whole hearts, not letting anything hold them back. They simply live life the way it is meant to be lived, keeping a curious eye on the ever imaginable world.

Jacob within a matter of minutes had stripped me of my walls. I was light hearted and free, laughing with the simple way he would twist my words or show me that i was going to freeze outside. He dropped me off at my next class, and promised me he would see me on Thursday.

I don't believe in coincidences. everything happens for a reason.
today i needed Jacob's simple reminder.
-life is wonderful, again.


  1. This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!! Love ya!!

    -Shelby Peterson :)

  2. and this is exactly why i love you!! :)


they'll be sun, sun, sun wherever you go...