i hate (strong word choice but meant with all my heart) this time of year.
it stresses me out to the max.
it also seems to be the time that my whole life falls a part. and like every other finals season, this time proved once again it's not a good time for me. :( oh well.
i searched the lib for a great little spot to study, settled down in a cozy little desk that i moved to be next to a window (sue me grouchy librarians), and am currently more fascinated with the sky gradually turning black then i am with my pages of pages of notes right in front of me. eh, whatevs.
here's to you BYU, you are a fabulous university, i probably don't appreciate you like i should, and i do love attending you. i just hate this time of stress and anxiety. J-Ru in 11 days. please oh please at least let me survive til then, because frankly problems in P-town will be on the other side of the world in that time, and nothing will make me happier then to run away. They say you can't run away from your problems, the 5 year old little kid in me dare says you can.
who cares about finals and provo and grouchy librarians?? we're going to J RU!!! I loved this post because I am feelin exactly the same way :D See you Tuesday! its so close!