yesterday, i did it.
i made it past my wild teenage years.
who'd a guessed?
big 2-0.
20 tidbits i want to achieve this year.
1. build a tree house.
2. feel life in my bones.
3. see potential in everyone.
4. finish the books i've started and read heaps of others.
5. leave places better then i found them.
(like Andy Goldworthy)

6. love people... happy, weird, sincere, intelligent, curious, genuine, awkward and even make-believe people.
7. find joy in the small things.
8. meet new people that teach me more about myself than anything else could.
9. go camping.
10. discover uncommon heroes.
11. get a bicycle.
12. learn to carve on my snowboard.
13. celebrate diversity.
14. start a non-profit
15. improve my photography skills.
16. feel the grass on my toes as the wind rushes through my hair on a regular basis. drink the wild air.
17. be a hero.
18. gain knowledge. and lots of it.
19. become a better writer.
20. change the world.
no doubt you will do them all.