Tuesday, February 9, 2010

DEATH...is that you?

I believe that you shouldn't be allowed to see a doctor without your mom, no matter HOW old you are. Yesterday i had to drive to the doctors (and get lost) all by myself. Then i had to sign in and give all my information.. all by myself. Then i went into a scary office and wait.. all by myself. then i had to make MAJOR medical decisions.. all by myself. (they consisted of what color ring i wanted on top of my prescription bottle... tough call between green and purple.. i almost thought i wouldn't make it)

DON'T WORRY after all this happened by myself i decided to reward my big girl actions with a JAMBA JUICE which i proudly finished.. all by myself!

Diagnosis: Mono or STREP. Dr. M Pratte decided to give me the medicine for strep and if it didn't go away in a few days come back for Mono testing.

I'm lucky enough to get to choke down 3 of these a day until i'm all better! and no no no don't worry i know they look like HORSE PILLS but the pharmicist at target reassured me that these BEASTS are for humans and i'm lucky enough to get to take them!

So don't worry all my faithful followers out there. I'm alive! I'm really sorry for not being such a faithful blogger but i pledge as soon as i get this nasty sickness over with i will be faithful to you. :)

1 comment:

  1. if you gave me mono i'll kill you! i know that lesbian of ours macie had it and i'm secretly scared i've been contaminated!!


they'll be sun, sun, sun wherever you go...