Friday, February 5, 2010


Confession: sometimes i let my hands get dry and rough because it reminds me of Camari.

remember when we were little youngens and would make promises by saying:
Cross My Heart, Hope To Die
Stick A Needle In My Eye
....Well thinking this over after all these years, who would ever break a promise whenyou swear by something with that much intensity??? so, i decided today that i will do everything possible to make a difference in someone else's life like Camari Watson has made in mine...cross my heart, hope to die. stick a needle in my eye promise. :)

Camari may only be 5, but he could understand me in a way no one else could. He was my best friend for the three months of my life that i felt most alone. His memory is constantly in the anterior region of my encephalon. (front of my brain). WHY? only reason i can think of is because i'm supposed to learn from his example.

Dear Camari,
I miss your hugs. I miss your smiling happy face when you see me walk in the room, you truly made me feel so special. You taught me to be happy no matter what things happen to you in life. Most importantly you taught me that magic IS real, and that super heroes make the best role models. I feel lonely without you. I pray for you everyday.

much LOVE,
YOUR jumpstart.
p.s. please don't forget about me.


  1. Kel!
    I just love and admire everything about you! You are a shining example to me of pure service and love for others. I'm so glad you are my sister! MIss you!

  2. awh so cute i love it! and i'm super excited to stalk you faithfully:)


they'll be sun, sun, sun wherever you go...