{tanner's} grandpa Don Staheli passed away recently. he was a wonderful man, and a great example of Christ's love on earth to me and all those who had the pleasure of knowing him. i've
been thinking about him a lot recently.
life's too short.
so i'll be...
first to laugh.
embracing change.
eating dessert first.
meeting new faces.
cherishing memories.
living every moment to it's fullest.
and that explains the next chapter of this blog. Alisa Mi'kel Wilson's BucketLIST. :)
So the start of my list is NATUREwalks.

I want to take walks... around the block... around a city... around new places... around old places... around familiar places... around strange places... around any kinda places basically.
sounds simple right?
like why would i put this on my bucket list simple right?
My dad likes to go on walks every sunday. we just go around our block. every time is different. i LOVE it. today we saw an OWL. he turned his head completely around without moving his body and stared at mcKenna.
i'm really grateful i have legs that work functionally and that i can walk places. i'm grateful for my eyes that work properly that i may see the beauty in nature. therefore natureWALKS are little miracles i can witness everyday if i choose. which are helpful reminders that i'm lucky enough to live in a free country and observe nature as i please.
Bucketlist #1: Explore new places as i go on nature walks every sunday.
--inspired by: Lyall Steven Wilson.
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they'll be sun, sun, sun wherever you go...