With a name like that...
and a smile like this...

Right! Jastus is a stake president in Kenya. I went to go listen to him talk today. He told us 10 principles for Community Development. I found it to be extremely worth it and i enjoyed every second of it.
my favorite quote from him:
"Start doing something today, realizing the change may not be seen tomorrow."
This seemingly simple phrase, given in a heavy swahili accent, changed my life today. whatever you do in life, whatever area of the world you are making just a little better, don't rush the outcome. The Wright brothers didn't start American Airlines, but their ideas and inginuity fueled others imaginations and through time we have a major way of transportation in the world that people PREwright brothers would have never imagined. Don't try to change the world all by yourself, just by laying some frame work will be enough :).
Oh Kel bells, I love you!
ReplyDeleteBro u are one in a million its sweet to have people like u who hep us see change we need in the world and more particularly in our lives.U are young and charming.